About us
The website made this title 'about us' but I am travelling on my own. However, I will leave it as the collective pronoun because I believe it's true. My travels aren't about me, they are about the people I meet, the conversations I have and most importantly what I learn. This blog is a verbal dump, one that only my mother and grandmother may read. I thought that if I made youtube and tiktok videos, that they would go viral immediately. Instead I am stuck at 400 views and laughing stock for people who aren't brave enough to try. I hope that one day I build a community, I have suffered from this feeling of loneliness my whole life. I have had the humm of physical pain for as lobg as I can remember. Some days it's hardly there, other days it's preforming a heavy metal rock concert. But I have learnt that it is ok to be lonely, and that sometimes I even prefer my own company, rather than pretending to like people who care more about their selfie in 11x9 inches than they do about the world around them.